It's going to be a-mazing!

If you’d been passing by Oakfield the other week, you might have seen two men standing around in our back garden with very long tape measures scratching their heads and pacing back and forth. You might have wondered “What are they doing?” and “What is that design they have on that piece of paper?” The answers to those questions are simple - “They were measuring the size of a 25 metre right-angled triangle” and “The top-secret plans for the Oakfield maze”. That’s right - we’re going to build a maze. It won’t exactly be Hampton Court but, come next Spring we hope that people will be able to wander through the twists and turns, getting lost with enthusiasm or just sitting on the benches and watching others navigate the labyrinth to reach the armillary sphere in the centre.

Start Of The Maze.jpg
Mark Gibbs